Tuesday, September 28, 2004


realli glad n comforted to c my pals writin on my tagboard to encourage mi...encouragin mi nt to give up n continue to jiayou....realli thanks.....
but,mi recently juz still in a horrid n bad mood....sort of forget hw to laugh properly le...results r realli 2 lan..get 2 fs...its like i nv get so horrible results in my entire life b4...damn sad n disheartenin....haix...realli duno wad to do sia..guess i hv to wrk realli doubly hard for my alevels le....plus recetly i tink dat i encounter sum friendship problems...startin to b cold towards sum of my friends le...its quite a crazi tingy..but realli lost trust in dat friend le...hidin 2 much tings frm mi..makin mi feel like im in the dark...as for the other friends...realli duno...guess i cant tink too much le...ltr may affect my studies..but recelty juz found out a friend dat i can realli confide into..n tok like heart to heart...cuz we r sort of in the same boat..haha...same problem..ya...realli glad to had sumone to tok to so freely without any suspcion for the first time durin these 2 yrs..i guess...everyone is so fake and insincere...n i hate dat kinda feelin..sumtimes even feel dat friends may even backstabbed mi....duno wad the world is goin through nw..guess everyone is juz as stressed as mi....realli hv to buck up myself...dun wish to get same results again....
muZ lOok fWd iNstEad oF loOkiN bAck!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2004


wad a bad dae....got realli bad marks for my subjects....i swear i did study hard but my results still doesnt show much...my maths actualli gt a F for the first time..wad a disgrace..im realli sad..i studied n practised a lot for maths yet i get the worst grade i ever got..tis so disheartening...realli feel like killin myself after lookin at dat grade...sum of my friends like nv study but get better grades than mi..am i stupid or wad...tis totally sux....my chem as usual i can expect a usual F grade....sux.....now there is sum friends problems cumin up.....suxxxx...

Thursday, September 23, 2004


todae is the last dae of my prelims le.....haiz....dun tink i realli did well for my prelims though i did study..probably nt hard enough..sort of hv a last min muggin 4 the lep todae...but the lep 2 is realli tough..my compo oso like has no substance...haizz..dun cr la..juz wait for those horrid results nxt wk...right nw juz wana wind down a bit..rest n relax after those muggin....damn sianz sia..muggin totally sux..els
tomolo goin orchard...so sad enen cant cum due to her curfew tingy...so will b juz me,mag n janice lo...first ting in the mornin is go sing k ba...den muz go shoppin..my fav pasttime..haven been doin dat for a long time sia...ya..n finally can dress myself le..so long didnt go orchard n wear nice nice le..haha...so realli hope mi can njoy myself tomolo sia...
but oso muz remeber nt to lac 2 much cos the real ting hasnt end yet..still gt alevels in like 5 wks time..so nxt wk muz start crammin..everydae muz do papers n study lep till they r on the tips of my fingers sia..haha
contiue to jiayou lo..rabbit*!!

Friday, September 17, 2004

KeiTa~!I LovE yoU 4evEr!

super lover keita
Keita is your super lover ^_~

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whIch LeAd meMber r U??

You're Nakkan, Hiroki Nakadoi! The leader!
Which member of Lead would you be?

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siAnz n mOre siAnZ

another dae of muggin...been goin through chem todae...ok la nt 2 bad..at least gt practise n gt go through all those notes again..hopefully i can pass in my paper 1 n 2 lo...tomolo will b like a memorizin dae 4 mi..studyin lep...damn tirin doin dat sia....hope i can oso finish studyin well 4 dat..though is abit impossible sia..haha....
yesterdae was a damn relaxin dae 4 mi sia...watch tv 4 like the whole nite...den when reach hm sing my elva karoke...gt time muz practise sia...so can sing beta..haha..luckily 4 its break..todae in quite ok mood..juz a bit slack...guess i cant b like wad i was like to b...a true mugger...due to many factors sia...guess i will go crazi if i do dat...but after my prelims...rest 4 a while den muz start to mug like shit le....dun wana lac behind...muz study well..so wont regret at all..n i can njoy my taiwan trip...n my 6mths hols after dat...damn excited sia..when i tink of dat..sumtimes already start imaginin mi in taiwan shoppin...xmas celebration at my gugu hse...n wan to mk over myself..so ugly nw sia...face is like domaniated by pimples...haha..n my leg...ya..muz cure everythin....haha..tinkin abt tis realli excites mi sia....
but nw muz cum back to reality sia....st least nxt fri will go lac lac a while n go crazi....can try my new outfit sia...but duno gt grow fat a nt sia..haha
hao le....dun imagine le.....muz jiayou 4 my exams..try my best...even if i dun do well 4 my prelims..at least i did try....
keEp swImMin !!

Monday, September 13, 2004


had a horrible dae todae sia..realli mon blues..had chem prac....totally screwed up everythin...read the question wrongly..forgot an impt procedure....den try to redo..in the end mi redid..but no time to write in..n mi liquid away the old readins liao...jia lat..the rest of the questions sux equally 2....jia lat sia...tis time dun tink can do well le....cum hm damn slack n didnt do anythin...in the end spent sum time tokin wif alex whu continued to comfort n encourage mi...haizzz..den gt tuition....onli revise my maths n cover half of integration sia..dats so little..tomolo will b a horrible muggin dae for mi..hv to finish all maths n most of chem..plus in btw gt tuition...scared cant finish my stuff in time on thurs...realli gotta buck up sia.....haizzz..one more wk n prelims will b over..hv to ren hard le...den hv to mug hard for a's le..definitely cant regret in my a's sia.....
jiayou ba...rabbit!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

siAnz day...

todae is a veri sianz dae...been muggin like duno wad...but at the same time veri distracted by a lot of things....can't seem to sit still n study...will wander ard...den go for frequent toilet breaks coz gt diarhoea....jia lat..when mi nervous will keep goin toilet....haiz...but at least gt study la.....as usual smsin ppl ard....juz nw at nite almost went totally bonkers due to long hrs of starin at chem....jia lat sia..tomolo is another muggin like shit dae again..realli hope i can go out to breathe the air on thurs..go out buy sum stuff or wad....relac a bit...my voice quite jai lat oso...keep feelin pain the sore throat..haizzz...continue to jiayou lor..my teacher even sms to encourage mi..dats realli touchin....can't let down my teachers sia....
jiayou ba......

Saturday, September 04, 2004


wad a weird dae for mi todae...or shd i sae a bit bad luck....mornin was still alright...went for lessons...den tis lazy worm of mine starts crawlin into mi....kept watchin tv...feel a bit disappointed wif myself...hw can i be relaxed at tis critcal pt of time....everyone is studyin like shit.....gt a friend who sort of rush hm to study....seems to mi dat she is avoidin mi....a bit annoyed by her actions....haizz...wadever le..heck cr....at nite time...wanted to study at ard 8.30 after watchin tv again...den cum tis horrible stomachpain...damn painful.....cannot even move.....hv to lie str down.....in the end todae onli went through a bit of chem n pats wrk...so much like behind time.....jia lat.....seems to mi dat once i stare at wrk n starts gettin nervous the pain will be even more painful n unbearable...horrible....i wonder if i will go bonkers nxt wk...luckily gt a gd friend by my side.....sort of accompanyin mi....felt better.....sometimes u juz feel so alone n helpless...juz need sumone to tok to....
sOuL*mAtes....wheRe r u??...i kept searchin..but there is nth ahead of mi..everythin seems to be so faraway...away frm my grips....i loSt myself...didnt noe wad i was doin...juz blindly followin up wad is suppose to be in trend...im tryin...tryin hard......but the pain in mi continues to grow each n everydae....realli hurts....