busy wif schwrk...the teacher piles us wif loads of wrk....super sian diao.....i need my slp...hahhaaaa
aniwae...sat went to ed's cousin wedding at orchard hotel.....the feelin is weird..i nv realli attend a wedding that is someone dat i dun realli noe....but aft dat is qte ok...i tok wif ed's mom...hahhaaaa...n some of the aunties....
the lobby

the wedding is nt a grand one..but simple....i find the whole process real sweet l...they even had their solemization on the stage...arrrrh...overwhelmed by the sweetness...can feel that this pair of couple is blissful....hahaaa...i love the i do part...hahhaaa...den was the slide show...super romantic....
eddie n mi....hehheeeee

i love the way the place the stuff....

we had abuffet style wedding lunch...it is nt bad la..i love the desserts tho...ended up toking wif ed's gugu...they r realli funny ppl....had fun!!!!!!!!heheee...kinda mk mi start tinking bout my own marriage..wad will happen few yrs down the road..will i be married to who i am wif nw...or wif someone else...i wan a romantic wedding...dat is a definite yes...hahhaaaa....

i was shcoked to c tis at the entrance of the hotel..a roasted lamb????

aft the wedding lunch...spent some time wif eddie..we ended up in a nice coffeeplace n eat again..in the end..both of us r damn stuffed...hahahaa...greedy us....
the pasta....

todae is another temple dae...had qte a lot of fun todae....the activites n the movies shown r nt too bad..hahahaa...damn tired nw...
n one more ting...our new tv is finalli here..i love it i love it!!!!!!!!!!! everythin is new..i shall watch n njoy tv all dae long when im free...hahhaaaa