im soo lazy to blog recently...hahaaaa....suddenly wrk juz kips piling up....nt gg for laoshi cls again stuff to do oso....sianzzz...
im in a
nua-ing mood...stay at hm whole dae...n nt go out... it is the very anticipated halloween...aft sch slacked totally at en place for a long time...we realli shd try to hv slpovers nxt time fun to lie down on the bed and juz kip chatting like no tml...hahaaaa..the dressing up part is very fun..helpin en to look for an outfit...and for me...i juz wore my miss saigon costume..too lazy to cr so much the end i look more like a some gong fu master....

fish and co looked fabulous...even all the waiters and waitress r dressed like angel or devil to fit the even more fun to look at hw my other clsmates dressed up....some of them r reealli creative...we cnnt stop tking pictures for qte some time...everyone is nt sitting....juz stood everywhr n kip tkin lots of pics
stairway to heaven....

n we met a devil

some roman soldier....

with the person who breeds sheep....

black and white..phantom of opera....

oh ya..n hip hop guy...which is a gal..

Jack sparrow....heeee..

some guy frm the duno which century..


n harry potter..n some one frm sylenderine?..

the event is done successfully...a lot of ppl came..cuz is like our last yr le...and is
real fun cuz majority of the ppl pei he and wear diff outfits....oh ya...even our ex fav ugc teacher came too!!!!!!!we missed her lessons and her so much
wif gaylene

...haaaaaa...realli njoyed myself...too mani pics tken...can onli choose a few...
met up wif ed yest for last min dim sum some place at geylang...and the shop realli resembles the shops in taiwan..(i realise is open my some taiwan ppl aft dat)....ordered qte a few stuff...and all of them tastes realli niceee...nxt time can go thr again..wana try the porriage nxt time..eheee...stroll ard den went hm aft dat...dun realli like walking ard in geylang..feels so weird..haaaaa...

slpy ed

ed gave me a
pleasant surprise...heeee..saw this parcel tingy when i rched hm....aft trying real hard to open the box....saw this silver ipod nano inside...heeee..and is real pretty and i tink one of the latest model....thr r some encravings at the bck too...heeeeeeeeeeee....
THANKS ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tis is my first ever mp3.....thanks for ur sweet tots. n surprise....

2dae made some sushi in return....haaaa....but i tink more improvements can be made ba....

the nxt few wks will be crazy wks for me...
jiayou to me!!