still tired.
1st day
woke up real earli in the morning..met up wif jan,her bf n edwin at harborfront..
was feelin a lil sian at the beginning cuz still qte tired and alll...
it was aft we went up to the boat den we started feeling high...heeee..starting playing monopoly the game..den some card game that janice bf recommended..qte coool..

the 2 guys was tired sooon..esp ed..he came rite aft his reservice...didnt get to slp at me n jan juz hang the wind..the scenery n all...mks me feel real relax..super super holiday mood oso...:)

rch batam veri sooon..took the hotel coach to rch our resort...pretttty place!!!veri resort like..haaa..our room is qte cosy and nice too..dining rm,living rm plus 2 rooms...heee...aft nua-ing a while n bking our spa treat for nxt dae..went down to bk lueh lepis!!!heee my fav of alll...

our packed schedule den starts.heee..took a cab to nagoya shopping mall to hv our first meal..some indonesian food...hmmm...the food qte spicy...personally i find it qte sweet la...the durin drink is not bad too..but abit too


started shopping aft dat..didnt get a lot of tings...some perfume n one top...we den head on to the go kart area at the harris resort..was a interesting experience for me drive n control a racing car...nt easy at all lor..i feel like im in the daytona game..haaaa..the guys dare to drive like the last..LOL

continue on to the bowling alley at harris..heeee..we started challenging each other...ed was gd sia...didnt expect him to be qte a gd bowler...haaa..i scored my highest ever record..haaa

had our dinner at some outdoor zhu cha restaurant by the sea...veri nice scenery...but got lots of was great and we r liek super damn stuffed.

head back to hotel aft dat.we totally nua for some time...den we recall is the earth hour..we switch off our lights den all nua outside at the balcony.was real romantic ba..thr r l.ike lots n lots of stars...real nice to juz stare at the stars...
we went for walk aft dat ard the hotel in total darkness..heee..the hotel has candles all over n u can tourists still having their dinner but in the most romantic way...head on to the karoke pub in the hotel..we sang a bit of songs n drank a lil..

2nd day
had breakfast buffet in the was pretty gd...

spa treatment was the next itinery...heeeesuper looking fwd to it cuz nv reali tried b4..heee..but it was real gd..totally relax tho i laugh qte abit whenn they are massaging my feet n all...jacuzzi rocks!!!im super gg for spa nxt time...

head on to megamall aft dat to shop again...:) ralph lauren polo is real cheap over thr..v worth it to get it..i bought like 6 tops...haaa..

had our dinner at pizzahut...the food is a lot cheaper over thr...den it was sadly the time to leave and head back to sg.

was a real short trip but i realli enjoyed it...get to spend quality time wif friends n oso ed.tried my fav a&W toooo!!!!yays!
hopefully can hv another trip wif friends n ed again...:)

Thanks a lot to janice n her bf for bringin us ard.. :Thanks ed for rushing down n coming to this trip wif me..hee :)