juz celebrated my bdae on fri!..another yr older for me..
need to be more mature and start tinkin abt wad i wan and future stuff le..
aniwaes..njoyed the dae loads. colleagues r real sweet to pei me eat vegetarian for lunch..drove out for bdae lunch..n oso gave me a small surprise at office with a pretty cake..heeee..thanks for all the sweet effort and pressie from agnes and charmaine..:)
all my dear colleagues!!!
had a nice dinner at the green room cafe with xuannie and hui.
oooh..the place rocks too!!!nice and relaxing
njoyed my bdae tis yr..is diff but i felt all the nice wishes!!! thanks everyone for the msgs,smses and everythin else!!! :)
b4 the cny wk break..had loads of mitups wif friends and had 2 sessions of lou hei session oso..hahaa
simple ktv session with andy and his bro..was crazy fun actualli..we sang all the super damn old songs!!!

agnes bdae celebration oso in ktv..im glad she was surprised and liked our pressie!!!
simers reunion dinner and lou hei session.super loves it..was a nicee catching up session for all of us..and the lou hei was fun!!!!! njoyed it to the max
the aftermath.
dept cny reunion session at jpot..steamboat and lou hei!!!!!!

happy cny to everyone!!!!heee..may everyone be blessed and get loads of hongbaos ba!! :)