met up wif xinyi frm paiseh haven been spendin a lot of time wif her..need to meetup wif her real soon liao...

usual enen movie sessions -the last song and sex and city2 rocks!!!!hahaaa..more movie sessions bff kie!!!
went timbre with ruth tooo...was a real chillout place..njoyed the singers who sang..we chose some real weird songs for them to sing oso lor..hahaaa
met wif hui and gugu for a short dinner session..was nice to catchup and all..haven met them for some time liao...
then it was dinner session wif faith and melmel...hope melmel eyes will be better soon...we dun realli dare to look straight into her eyes lor..hahaa..den was a nice strudel session wif faithy..nxt dae was fotoshoot session tog wif faith too..thanks again girl for makin my eyes look pretty..i realli need to learn hw to draw dat liao lor...
it was a fun session wif 2 other photographers..i still gt a lot to learn frm posing lor..and i need to cut down on my fats!!!!!! legs and all...need to cut down on dinner!!!!jiayou jiayou...btw..i loveeeee the pics to the max...pretty pretty us!!!!!heeee...nxt time we can still have somemmore..

then another meetup wif alex...juz back frm japan and all..nicee listening to his stories and all...and we had ktv session!!!!!yeaaap..before dat dae had one wif faith and cat too..hahaa..but i juz lovee singing and all...need to start practisin tooo..

den lastly..met siew siew for dinner...reallli feel like gg on a long somewhr faraway..was fun meetin her tooo!!!!
tmr is mon again..realli need to focus more at work n try to wrk tings out!!!!!!!!
jiayou millions to myself!!!