aniwaes,updates on some happenings these few mths.had a nice biz trip to malaysia. well there is a first time for everythin. had one hotel room to an interesting experience for me..esp when im damn scared of slping alone but somehw i went thru the whole process..hahaaa.the trip was rewarding.
enen n me njoying gd food and movies. thanks girl for listening so much of my grumbling and all..

n of cos the camp..considered to be enjoyable ba..interesting to c mama dance...n papa is trying to act young n be funny..haha..hope we will spend more time tog ba..
tw friends.
thr was the recent training we had..njoyed hanging out wif the regional colleagues..they r real fun ppl.. :)

n yeappp..todae is my first time learning to cycle!!!!n i did it aft a qte a number of tries and some bruises..but im proud of myself to learn dat..thanks doo,piyo and tutu for teaching me weird but i kinda learn sth todae.. sometimes u just need to be more daring to harm trying tho it might hurt in the process but the feeling of accomplishment is cool!!! i am considered lucky to not fall a lot of times to finally learn how to cycle..but i guess in life,we just need to fall a couple of times to grow and learn sth diff everyday.