Tuesday, February 08, 2005

nEw yr eVe..

here i am bloggin at 2.30am..quite tired...earlier in the dae went out n bought flowers for the family...ya..den spring clean again..quite drain liao...
den went to sum restaurant for reunion dinner..food is nt bad..but nt dat quite fillin..feel dat i nv ate enuff lo..or ami i becomin to b a piggy...
aft dat hui the rest of the family came to our hse to lao yu sheng...quite noisy n fun la..everyone is like havin fun...hui n us watch tv..took pics..n slack...
den went to temple for the whole nite..was glad to noe 4 mymammar gals..i mean teenage..they r quite shy but reali sweet...ya..seem dat im like entertainin them like dat la..lol...den when we start chattin bout ming xin.den we start to chat like duno wad..found out dat they sell reali cheap cds thr..which is so cool..nxt time go n buy liao..haha
mitin them on fri to b their tour guide..haha
later goin to hui hse to slack n tk angbaos..haha...yeah..hope everyone njoys themselves wor..

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