woke up earlier todae..cuz im gg to the zoo wif eddy...hahahaaa...i was super excited..juz like a kid la...aniwae i mk some egg mayo sandwich n bought drinks for our zoo trip..heee...met up wif ed at amk den we took abus thr..on the bus..im still veri excited...ed oso bought abit of snacks over...heheee....n aft 20 mins of the bus journey..we finalli rched our destination...the ZOO....hahaacuz we r like damn hungry so we drop by at kfc n makan first den get in....suddenly felt like tourist lo...the counter even asked which country we r frm..im like dotz...we r frm singapore..visitng our own country..lol...thr was abit of drizzling at the beginning but thank god the rain stopped real fast...ed is like tryin to b the leader n figuring hw to travel n whr to vist..but im juz kip pointin here n thr...yea...wana go to all da places..wana c all da animals sia....while walkin we saw some sch kids..they r adorable lo...can c they veri excited too...hahaaa..aniwae...we saw the bears...polar..sun bears...a lot of diff types of mokeys dat look damn funni n blur lookin....hahaaa..reptiles...giraffes.zebras..deers..hippo...all da big cats..they look so cool...feel they r like the most shuai animals ard..pigs dat resembled ed..hahaaaa..kiddin la..horses n sheeps..kangaroos....n a whole lot more..too mani to list.....we r like walkin n walkin..legs r damn tired....but i njoy walkin ard..holding ed's arms...i felt real secure...cuz he is leadin mi all da way....aniwae..went to tis endangered animals area..n saw tis newly born baby monkey..he looked realli cute..he is like trin to climb ard..n curious of the diff heights to climb...tho he kip fallin down..he nv stop tryin..tot dat it is realli a gd ting dat all of us shd learn...oso..the mother of the monkey juz kip stayin by the side...it is like real motherly love sia...aniwae we walked till the zoo is closing...at the endin of it..im practically draggin myself out of the zoo....oh..had ben n jerry...is real gd..heeee..love it...during our journey back..we slpt for a while den head to hui hse for dinner...she mkin noodles for us....thanks sia!!!den we juz stayed at her place n watch tv..ed is so tired dat he fell aslp on my lap....hahaaa....a super nice journey todae...a diff experience n a memorable date...nw....pics....a lot of pics...heethe entrance...
tryin to gobble my kfc meal...

the map....

i love the tix...

kids that r so cute....

animals time!!
cute polar bear...they look real huge!

compare ed..whu is tryin to tip toe..n the bear...wow!

penguins...i love them

deers...nt too clear..

if onli i sat on the carriage..hahaaa..so romantic

my elephant??

kangaroos...they r sooo cute...

ed n the deer....hahaa

2 rinos fightin....wif their horns....

us while restin....

my egg mayo...

zebras butt...

ed caught a tiger?

the monkeys

i hate snakes

a funni duck tryin to get attention

cutie rabbits

piggy..lazy pigs...

mi n toy tiger..lol

finalli..da icecream!!