Saturday, August 05, 2006


had a long chat wif ed last nite....yeap..let mi ponder a lot..thanks le....

went ob todae....yeap....lessons as usual...i tink i didnt gt thru la..but is okie..i will juz continue singin n singin...will do it my way ba..yea..cls was okie todae...lao shi so religious todae sia..hehee...njoyed singin another kind of feelin..haha...rock feel!!nxt wk jap song again..duno wad shd i sing....

aft cls went to makan wif yanxin n jingwen..went bugis..ate at bugis..had jkorean food...damn craving for it recently..hehe....den walk to bugis street..yeap...pei yanxin buy a tee n shorts..haha..felt like shoppin le....den yanxin went to find her friend..mi n jingwen go buy cake..yummy wor...haha...

felt a lil down on da way hm..guess im 2 tired le ba....watched superbad..qte a gd j3 singin..soothing n nice....mugged abit....

tink my specs a buit spolit le.tml shall go n slanted nw...

tml shall b full force muggin

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