slacked my entire dae back aches...prolly due to sittin too long or sth.....
but i njoyed slacking like tking a gd gd rest....
aniwae tw trip
rocks....n im real lucky to b back earli...was lookin at the news todae...the rain and wind is scary over real
blessed and lucky....long post....
i hv to admit dat i cried a few crazi old le still cry...but when me n ah xuan leave and go in to the airport and mum huggin us b4 we leave...i kinda cried a to miss dad and mum....but aft dat was a real adventure and experience....the plane we r tking has loads of entertainment...movies,albums and even both me and xuannie njoyed the flight....
me n xuannie waitin for our flight


the first dae we rched taipei....we met up wif my dad's friend and she brought us to eat dou jiang and you diao plus other small real cheap and we r damn kinda weird the first dae..couldnt realli slp n everythin but aft dat it start to get better...
rchin tw....

our first meal thr....

view frm the aprtment...


we went to sing ktv wif my taipei friend and her friend the second n xuannie was practically screaming when we saw the place and our like a hotel...the system rocks,we had our own toilet and privacy....the rm is huge..the buffet is gd....the songs r new..njoyed a lot...
hotel lobby????

we shd hv tis.....

we went ximending and shilin night mkt aft dat....n it waa
crazy shoppin aft dat.....we bought tons of t-shirts,alot of nice necklaces n all...had a lot of fun....oh...we ate the chuai ping so....nice nice!!!!!!!!!!!


scary rite..the stuff we gt...hahaaaa

the next and xuannie figured our own way to their mrt station and took the train ourslevs...went wufenpu wif my taipei friend....a lot f clothes thr oso....n is cheap cheap.....hahhaaaa
at their mrt.....

the next few daes we went up to ping shan for my temple camp tingy for teens...i kinda had a breakdown...suddenly miss home a lot n all...n started crying like mad...noe is crazy but it feels weird thr....but thank god for the temple ppl and my new friends...i felt better...the few daes was real fruitful..i learnt a lot...i let out all my inner fears and like cleansing myself....everyone is honest and real...nt fake....the games r fun oso....had a
lot of fun....
b4 gg to the camp....
n back on the coach....

met up wif my junior in sec sch who happens to be a tw....n we continued shoppin n all....hahhaaaa...xuannie went back first on kinda weird to c her go first...for a min..i feel like gg back wif her...i dun like the feelin of being alone but no choice....but i still contiued to go out a lot aft dat.....
hua nan wei xiu....a lot of mtvs and shows taken here...


hw can i 101...

view of ximending...

the next few daes i stayed over at my friend's hse..n they had a cat...n im damn scared of it...kip screaming n all...hahhaaa...but as time goes by i slowly get used to it...
kitty posing,...

the next few daes i met up wif my other dad's friend..had dinner wif them n all...continue to go shoppin and a lott of eating....
thai food.....great....

den at 101....jap foood...they actuali h chicken food in the food court..

my friend...xinyi...shao gao....

n their donuts rocks....

was supposed to stay evern longer till nxt tues but due to another temple cls is cancelled and im back weird cuz tis is the first time i cant wait to be hm....i wana b hm..i wana c mama,xuan hui n everyone else.....
i miss everyone a lot.....
on the way to sign...

n waitin for my plane....

the trip back alone ended up qte ok.....had a nice old man sitting beside me and we chatted a lot...and dat ease me a lot....i can onli sae dat im real lucky to get a seat so last min and had a nice person sittin beside me.....
love tis pic...seems like can c the entire globe...

rchin hm......

when i finalli rched
overwhelmed wif joy....hahaaa....seriously....xuannie was late to jie im tinkin most likely thr wun be anyone else..couldnt contact ed oso....i came out alone and waited for xuannie...den ed called....
he came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the first ting when i saw him is give him a real big hug.....
super super miss him a lot a lot!!!!!!! n im real happy dat he actuali came....xuan came aft dat oso....n we went to have a gd meal rite aft dat...heheeeee

tis trip is real gd...n lots of
thank-yous to those ppl who helped me in taipei...all my dad's friends...without them..i rpolly duno wad to do thr....
i realli shd learn to appreciate everythin beside me....and to stay postive.....