went vivo todae...we hang ard...but is soo weird..first time 3 of us go out shoppin feel realli sian lor....we kip wanting to sit down and slack..so we went to white dog's cafe..love the ambience thr....n we ordered some food..hmm..pasta nt realli u to our expectations..rmb the other time..the other pasta is nicer or sth...but aniwae...the chicken was gd and the cake is realli nice....
xuan n hui soooo engrossed....

sparkling water.....


main course...

and cakes..

den it was tking pictures time...tk a lot of pics...in the outside area and the special place hui recommended..took loads of pics...lol
crazy pic....hahaaaaa

me and hui n her picninc bag....

interestin pic of xuannie.....haha...n us...

they r scared f my scary small hands...

black and white time!!!!!!

off to shop!

bought some food and came hm earli todae......and we ate supper...ya..i ate again..reali shd cut tis bad habit.....
hui stayin over tonite..is realli nice.....hhaaaaaa...love the galtok and all...
oh ya...thanks ed for the nicee supper yest...u shd go on a diet soon 2....hehheeee.....living a gd life ar...eat and eat and eat.....
i realli shd slp earlier or sth..tmr cfm cant wake up le.....arrrrrh!!!!!!!!!!!
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