thank god!!!!!but still need to be crful wif my back...cannt mk it worse le....
gt the urge to shop recently....but broke...sian sian.....
todae went on qte well....the grp first we r all qte nervious and all..practise and practse alot of times...gals..we did our best!!!!!!!!! n i feel our team spirit and coordination gettin beta le...which is real gd!!!!!
i seriously love this template..proudly made by xuannie...xie le...

aft cls todae..enen pei me go tui nan..thanks a lot gal!!!!!u tk cr urself oso....
uz some random stuff...on sun...i couldnt go singing cuz of my back..n yanxin told laoshi bout she kinda sae dat im stressed bout my recent singin tingy oso....n he said...break from your singing...don't stress...that realli inspiries me a lot...i need to feel the whole process again...relive my passion....i miss ktv-ing...i miss singing frm my heart
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