went to do some volunteerwrk at istana openhse.....and is real hot....was sweating like mad by the time when i rch the istana at the top of the hill..super long and winding road...
sooo tired to walk....


certified volunteer

resting time..wif janice n her bf

met a lot of diff kinds of ppl in a dae...hahaa...and a lot of tourists....the angmohs generally la..seem more friendly..will talk to u n all...n so mani kids...they all look so adorable!!!!!
the president!!!

n juz nice....ed is patrolling in istana..policeman!!!!!!hahaaaaaa....looks so diff in policeman outfit..finalli gt to c it!!!! super tired rite aft dat...but had a nice chit chat session wif ed at nite.....
sooo cuteeeeee..hahaaaa

on sun...is suying 21st bdae celeb....the journey was very very long....suying..ur bdae place is soo ulu la...at the other side of the singapore dat i nv went at all...hahaa...aniwae...met up wif weiyang...den 3 of us finalli mk our way thr....the place is reallli cosy..nice to slack the entire dae off...but is so ulu...hahahaaa....
love tis picccc....gone fishing!!

enen pic...so relaxing sia..

ok la...suying look realli diff and pretty!!!!!

weiyang faning the girl of the day!!!

sy wif her mattew boy...

HAPPY 21ST SUYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

slpt real late last nite for the speech tingy...finalli is done...i tink i did hai hao onli ba...was real slpy and made some pronunications errors.....hopefully i will did ok sia...heee...njoyed luncch session wif lirong and enen todae...the fried rice gang!!!

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