hmmm...juz some of my own opinion ba...i juz feel maybe wad i tot of the show is somewad diff...i was lookin fwd to having realli gd singers gettin in and ultimately the 5 or mayb slightly more who will be representing sg will be damn gd n wun be totally based on looks but most on gd voices n nt bad stage presence ba...but i guess im kinda still v commercialised....or maybe is gettin commercialised....
thr r 7 ppl who gt thru...of course thr r a few dat is realli gd n i tink they deserve the ticket to taipei...but thr r some...i feel they may not be up to the standard....
sometimes i do wonder....the chi music industry seems to be gg down the hill....i feel....most prolly is all of them r becoming more commercilised..super....female singers who can realli sing like shunzi,alin,dai ai ling and all...they kinda disapper or didnt mk it v big compare to mayb yang chen ling and all....

i juz kinda hope that singers dat r realli gd can surface out soon...nt juz based on commercial tingy shi li...
n does looks means everythin??? i noe is impt cuz it mks the first impression n all..but does it mean that if you hv a good appearance....u r juz automatically one notch higher than others? is soo ironic dat ppl always sae inner beauty and all...but it still boils down to looking at the exterior self...i noe everyone..including myself do look at appearances guilty of dat too...
but i realli am juz tinkin...wad is more impt ultimately? looks dat may or may not change...or the inner self or talent?
haaaaa..weird me todae sia....tinkin a lot...
i feel i will may be a normal person..a very normal person for my entire life...not like those big stars and all...had this nice lil conversation wif yanxin todae n it kinda enlighten me somehw....i wasnt satisfied with my life...i kinda feel dat i wanted more n be v diff...i always imagined myself to be v diff aniwae...but sometimes...being simple or blur isnt a bad ting....
is juz dat diff ppl r fated to lead diff lives n mine is ordinary...i shd b blessed dat i mite hv some other tings dat other ppl doesnt hv---for eg: gd friends,close siiblings n couz..., close family...
at least i dun hv to worry abt living my life n my parents hv alr tken v well of everythin....
i realli shd learn to do be zhi zu and be contented with wad i have le......

im alr a very blessed person....
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