went out for the whole dae..12 hrs...damn tired nw..but it realli has been some time since i spend my sat proper..
met up wif jolene for a short ktv session todae at amk...interesting way dat we met each other but we juz hit off real quick...was fun singing todae...but realli too long nv sing le...voice is weird...realli hv to brush up soon...we had fun crooning together anyway..nxt time mus ask ur sis and my sis to hang out tog again!!!!!!!
super focused singing....heee

n us..
den followed by meeting hui to go town...we haven mit for some time le..she is sooo bz nw..wif her attachment tingy...realli drained her...poor ting!!!!hope ur hols come soon ya...

xuan came oso den we hang and slack ard fareast..we r all damn nua...so in the end is more of like endin up eatin n gal-talking....short but fun...we mus meet up soon for nice food and fun outings......
tryin out...

ed and me had a movie session at nite at town...didnt realli watched for some time le....

sooo we watched 10,000 BC..im tinkin since is frm the director of independence day and day after tml..shd be great....

hmm..the beginning of the movie is kinda slow n a lil sian..but it starts gettin intereestin n more exciting at the back...love the music and seriously...those extinct animals look super real...amzed by dat..still a nice movie to catch...!!!
ed acting emo again

tmr have to attend an indian wedding in ritz carton...shd be qte interesting for me...nv realli seen indian wedding...n is real earli!!!!!!hv to go rest earli le.....
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