went to monsoon novena for haircut on thurs...finalli changing to a new hairdresser...recommended by faith...was actuali qte nervous..cuz too long nv change hairdresser le...cat brother went tooo!!!!interesting bro u got....hahaaa...
aniwae...the outcome turn out great!!!! i love my new hairdo nw...can sae got some changes ba....find it a lot neater than the usual one....nxt time shall go thr cut hair le....yay!!!!!!
front view.

side view.


sat met up wif ed for dinner...went over to tpy n find him...so we ended up eating dat..realise dat thr is a new korean home kind of restaurant..n the price is very reasonable..free korean appetizers..

without gst and service charge...n the food is realli nt bad!!!!!! yanxin n xiuying!!!!nxt time we can go thr eat aft singing cls....heeeee
our yummy food!!!!!

head off to cityhall aft dat to slack n walk..realli some time since we walk ard like dat le....were feelin damn nua aft walking.
yi shu pic....

so went esplanade..tink is cocca or sth..forgt the small coffeeplace le...but aniwae..we decided to hv some jasmine tea dat can relive anxiety...stated in the menu...n it kinda wrk cuz aft dat..me n ed feel realli slpy...haaaaa

these few daes was realli crazy..projects n muggin...
hving some stupid sore throat nw...this wk will be damn sian n stressful....nxt wk is the big tingy....BUT all i can tink nw is play...arrrrh!!!! mus jiayou le!!!!
saw this a few daes ago..hole in the middle of the sky?

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