shall blogged abt my sat n sun first.hell loads of pics frm fri gal outing wif hui n xuannie...
but firstly..thanks to my boss n collague for the japan bread n small souveneir frm bangkok..they r real sweet ppl!!!!

back to my sat.woke up super late as usual...finalli rested well for the entire morning plus afternoon..went to colleague wedding dnner aft dat at swisshotel.

was actuali qte worried cuz tis is my first time attending a colleague/friend wedding ba...n im still nt totally dat close wif them yet...kinda weird feeling..the wedding place is prettty tho!!!love the whole layout n feel...abit of cosy feeling...realli haven been to this tradional dinner for some time le...heee...

blue lighting

love the gift.

huizhen,krislyn n me...
thr r times i did feel awkward la...but aft dat was ok le...heee..start to get crazy wif other colleagues n knowing new ppl...n the programmes r qte entertaining...all the vids n the part when my collague sing this love song--fei ni mo su to the wife..real romantic n sweet...heee
singing session.n everyone is super engrossed.

vegetarain food...looks gd lor..

me n krislyn..took like tons of the same pose...she felt weird tking zi pai..heee
still experimenting.

food wsas real gd...n im damn stuffed aft dat.had loads of fun.

met up wif xuanie n hui again to go nite festival aft turn out alright onli...but love the lightings n like the museum building become a piece of art like dat..we slack ard den head down to clarke quay area..

walking to clarke quay n pics time!!

hmm..some stuff happen la..n wasnt dat cheery aft dat....but cooled down aft some time...thanks to yuzhen for dat me feel a lot beta...n part of the stuf r resolved...
sun.went singing cls as usual..super damn tired lor..didnt even realli gt much strength to finish up the song this girl who sang...pure with loads of feeling..i wana find back dat feeling tooo!!!!
had lunch at dingtaifeng wif usual clique w/o xiuying(xiuying realli missed out todae ar..hee) is yummy as usual..n loads of talking...heee...n we walked ard j8 for a real long time sia..super nan de can walk thr for soo long lor..window shopping.
all time fav.

2 hungry women.

nite went temple for short meeting.was real gd for me..feel more optimistic...n more like myself...ed came too...i wan spend more time wif him sia...heee
wkend full of ups n downs..but still fruitful.
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