went for singing cls as usual n im like super late..managed to sing song still...need to fang more n gan gan sing....jiayou to myself!!!
was craving a lot for ktv...so aft much consideration...we went partyworld!! dapao subway n secretly brought in so gt more time to sing....haaaa...was qte fun..me n debra kip finding eng songs in the end....njoyed a lot...too bad yanxin nt thr sia....nvm nxt time we shall go ktv tog again!!!!!!!!!(below:debra n xiuying trying to prevent me frm tking pics..)

rushed to temple meeting aft dat for filming..was super duper fun lor....we r like all laughing n gg crazy le lor....cant wait to c the nice outcome...jiahao jiayou le!!!!his turn to fan cuz he will b editing all the stuff....(edwin below wif our self made cap..pizza delivery anyone?he looks super cute)

gt wedding dinner tmr. im so gg to get fatter liao..jialat!!