went for singing cls as usual...on the way saw this cute baby dat kip staring at me....adorable!!!

went to jurongeast aft dat to mit ed for a while for lunch...was damn hungry cuz lesson ended late todae...huge bowl of noodles...den head on to ntuc to get some bbq stuff for the gathering ltr...i still wana c more of eddie!!!!

rcheed boss hse den head on str to the bowling alley..the condo is realli pretty n huge..find it look more like a resort wif loads of facilities lor...tink the bowling alley is cool tho...private bowling alley...heee..we sort of form teams to play..was real fun..but im super lan..kip throwing the ball to the drain....njoyed myself a lot...

den it was bbq session!!!!!!we start mking the fire n prepare the foood n all...b4 the stuff is even ready we alr start eating le...hungry us....loads of homemade nice foood...(preparation below:women vs men)

resting ard.

everyone bz wif food.heee...kenneth posing at the background.

aft dinner..everyone start playing card games...interesting to observe the game n all...qte fun!!!

im super stuffed nw n i noe im getting fat...urgggggh!!!!an urgent need to cut down on food n snacks intake!!!!!!!!!
no more monday blues tmr...super yays!!!!
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