(thanks to my tw friend for helping us get nicee stuff!!)

fri had my first ever bak kut teh in my life...yeahh..v sad to sae but i nv realli eating bak kut teh..n is realli gd!!!realise i love to drink soup more n more le...yummy!!!!thanks to colleague who send us thr....met wif hui n xuannie for dinner at suntec aft dat....n hang ard the area..my body is damn exhausted dat dae.

mini mooncake i got from colleague.real cute.

sat. a veri crazy n emotional unstable dae for me ba.went bagspa...some of mty bags r actuali in
serious condition n all..wasnt in qte a gd mood tooo...met wif xuannie n her friend aft dat.i guess i had one of my biggest meltdown dat dae ba....wasnt in control of myself..actualli shd sae haven realli been myself recently...damn weirdo.real sorry to those whom i hurt dat dae.definetely not intended to be hurtful or wadsoever..hopefully everythin will be ok n back to usual ba...spent alot dat dae oso...one my the most spent for soo long..i realli need to shrimp n save money le.im broke.
glad dat ed was here for me..esp these few weirdo daes..i feel beta.thanks.i tink im in need of medidation.weird emotions n all.

slacked my whole dae todae.temple ppl came over for filming.was real funny todae..alll the crazy acting n alll!!!!i had fun!!!!
mon blues tmr.
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