was rlly scary to c so many natural disasters having on juz tis wk ba..the crazy ongoing typhoon and the recent tsunami and earthquakes.
felt sad for the victims and all dat was affected. we shd all pray for them!!
i still rmb last bad tsunami dat happened some time ago. affected me loads and mk me start thinkin alot of negative stuff..felt qte depressed and all.
tis time ard,i felt a lil diff. of cos it mk me tot abt the usual scary topic dat all of always wanted to avoid. but juz for a moment.
i paused and start thinking of sth else. thanks to a video i watched some time ago at a camp.
Death can be scary but to leave life with regrets is even worse.
i wana celebrate life and to cherish everyone close or not close to me.
i wana leave sth memorable in my own life.
we r a lot more blessed than truckloads of ppl out thr. real blessed and sometimes all of us r tking it for granted. we complain a lot of tings and forgot abt a lot of other impt tings. im guilty of dat..hhaaa..

im gg to jiayou hard! to celebrate life and maybe help more ppl dat r less blessed than me. :)