aniwaes, met ed some time ago for zhi char..njoyed food and company loads..
thanks for pei-ing me hm wor
met hui for the creation of her bf cake..heee...was fun...helped out a lil..n i tink it turns out to be qte gd lor.. we need to mitup for often girl..u so bz recently..heee.btw,happpy 21st to andy too!!!hee

mt faber nite on thurs wif colleagues + ex first time gg up and it was real awesome!!hee...view was nt the whole romantic singing at background,windy,nice wine and of cos gd company..took crazy pics wif colleagues and had tons of fun!!!
fri nite -movie,the ugly truth.super njoyed it!!hilarious!
sat csr dae..first time gg to watch a movie and hv dinner on some experience.we entertained the kids frm various homes glad that they rlly do njoyed themselves...
todae. went waseda high tis yr second time ard n i tink we r all gettin smarter esp on the route.aft some nicee brunch..we start touring the place..watched some acting by the students thr..n i rlly njoyed the games..they r rlly smart to mk use of the small place they hv..
drained totally but njoyed this sun!!
tmr finalli gg out on real date wif eddie!!!heeeeee.
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