aniwae..had loads of mitouts..haven rlly come hm for dinner for qte some time le sia.
missing home cooked food loads!!!!
thanks for all the peeps that pei me..gave me great advice..helped me a lot....u guys noe who u r...:)
- hui and xuannie who pei me almost everytime when i need them

-enen for those super encouraging and touching smses.
-siew siew for the 2 cool new movie pal le lor..
- jy for dinner mitouts and random walking trails.
-epson peeps wif all their funny nonsense..haha
thanks to all my friends...:) love u guys...heeee.
upcomin events for myself
- lim hui hui 21st!!! ( gg to be sth huge for us ba..haaa)
- more singing stuff coming along
- wrkscope changing..need to jiayou on dat..and oso start pondering abt wad i rlly wana settle down wif.
- try miting out wif long time peeps ba..:)
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