aniwae..ob was okie...exams r comin le...hv to choose a song liao...wad to sing sia...urghs..i love the lesson todae..all da fast songs realli mk mi hapi sia...lao si sae i nt open enuff..haaa..mus jiayou le..oso mus start tinkin of wad to sing for da auditions le..shall start plannin real soon...
rite aft ob...mi,yanxin n jocelyn went to chnatown n walk walk..yeap..i nid another sliper..since i gt so mani bad comments we walked thru the mkt..but n buy we walked back to the old haidie area n c c lo..haha...went to ck n c gt ani new the end..bought 1 black a bit of indian kinda feel de...haha..tot it looks qte funni...n okie buy le...aniwae is onli is complainin dat she is real hungry oso went to eat the kolong mee...real nice sia...i love it...long time nv c le...tho they increase the price...but they give more noodles n rest of the other vege n meat..yummy yummy!
the legenary mee...tken qte long ago..but aniwae it looks similar
we went to the this fashion nearby den saw the teeshirt..real nice tee lo..keai..bought it aft tryin..6 a cheapo...i admit dat...but it looks great so y nt....jocelyn oso gt look ard....haha...yanxin hv to leave soon we all left..i went bugis
was walkin alone while waitin for xuan n hui...yeap..super long..i tink i was shoppin alone for almost an hr ba...was lookin for more slippers...n oso other stuff la..hehee..yeap..n ed bdae a few places in mind...but mus wait for xuan n hui for opinions...suddenly feel dat soppin alone mayb lonely..but sometimes it can b fun too sia..they arrived ltr....hui is like exhausted frm all her sports..dragonboat n tennis..n her and is like qte painful sia...poor tingy..we went to pastamania...xuan is starving like duno wad...yeap..bought 2 sodas...1 for xuan n 1 more mi...juz wana try..waaaah...omg!!the soada is qte huge sia...hahaa..nice aniwae...we went to the icon n look for more slippers n hui slipper oso...hmm..we walked n walked..actuali hai hao we head on to bugis street thr to c....heheee...oh..before i forget..b4 we left for bugis street..we wana get icecream..yeap the green tea the end it turns out that hui nie the guy sellin the icecream..her cousin..we gt a free icecream...wahaha..
the free icecream..yeap..great!
we walked a lot sia...real tiring..hui still cant find her slipper...aha...but i bought a nice shoe..find the shoe qte sweet n comfy hapi!!
hui gave up in the end we went to eat the fried ice cream..nt too bad a glutton..we continued walkin to the busstop n we saw hot otaks...cannt tahan we buy otak...nice n hot it...
came hm read some notes..n oso tidy up my stuff...hee...
im spendin a lot to save again le....still gt a tw bag..arh.....
tings i bought todae..
-1 slipper..indian kind
-1 teeshirt
-ed bdae present
-1 shoe
tml stayin at hm whole dae to rest..mug n mug...of cos...n oso learn some songs ba....
my com is crazi like a broken motor...can start halfway but den soon dieoff..urghs...
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