aft ob went to down to orchard road n mit wif xuan,alex n jan again..hehe...we went to fareast first to wait for xuan to cut her hair..while waitn we r like tokin so much..haha..alex told us abt his army life..sounds qte cool...wonder ed goa rmy will b like wad sia...hmm...aniwae we went to ding tai feng to makan dinner..damn damn hungry sia..waited for qte long but had fun chatting was great as xiao long baos sia...oso gt tok bout our past..hmm..interestin stuff to recollect sia..hahaha...had real fun...den we deicded to eat some dessert somewhr..yeap..coffeeclub was full so we decided to tk a look at the balcony thr..seriosuly i nv been to a pub...we went in n thr r qte a lot of ppl sitting down n drinkin...da rest of them didnt like the atmosphere so we left n decided to go to clarke quay thr n find a pub to sit down n chat...hahaha....we walkeda lot a lot...until my legs realli turn jelly...pubs r either full or dat we didnt like the nt too gd....yeap..we r pub hoppin....went in to this pub called the geograhic duno wad de..nice atmosphere...but when we sat down...a waitress who seriosuly looked like some hooker asked us wad we wanted n thr is no menu or wadso eva...we told her dat we will discuss...den as we r like still wondering hsd we stay here....saw janice weird expression n real loud music..yeap..its the carpentars song..yesterday once more...i turned..n guess wad..i saw tis gal wearing pants dat resembeled a underwear n spats top dancing n singin real sexily on the like shocked...urghs..we left rite away....denw e continue walkin n went to the other pub...i tink is forbidden city or place looked realli cool..the deco n everythin..real spacious..n the seats looked realli comfortable...but....its qte in the end we left again..urghs...we decied to head back to the other side of clarke quay n juz fidn one dat is okie n settle down..yeap..finalli..went to tis pub or bar dat is qte small n dun hv much ppl...we ordered some drinks n chatted..oh ya..we even sang a lil ktv the mic singin concert sia..wahaha....we chatted a lot n had was like ard 1 whenw e left the place..denw e shared a cab hm...haha....real fun outin sia....
hmm..nxt time will ask ed go..yeap...sowie to let u worry...
todae stayed at hm the whole dae to mug..sian muggin sia...almost done aniwae...was lookin at the syllabus juz nw...urghs...all the other midterms n exams r all commin real soon..
siannnnn...i wan hols again...
haven been puttin pics on da blog..haha...some pics dat i stole frm faith blog..hehee..paiseh sia...we r obviosuly veri bored in cls...
mi n mel in the toilet..haha
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