aniwae ob cls is okie...tried another attempt on a song dat has the crazi love feelin oso..but failed again...too calm teacher sae...saddening..he sae i sang it too beautifully..dun hv the realistic feelin...guess i realli hv to wrk real hard le....pei yanxin for a while b4 went to mit ed...
ed looks different!!!a lot thinner n tanner...oooh...but im still gettin used to his bald head...he looks cute tho..hahaa....we had the usual noodles...he miss it...haha...nicee...den we went over to ps thr to watch movie...wana watch banquet but dun hv the rite timin so we watched john tucker must qte funni....i love the way he deal wif each to mk the siuation in favor to his side..oooh...
went to daiso aft dat...wooo...thr is like soo mani tings we can buy thr..n is onli 2 bucks...nt bad to shop thr..bought ed's i can mk nice lunch or dinner for fun for food oso...wonder y jap bottles n everythin looks so nice...tempts mi to buy real nice to shop ard like dat wif ed...buyin stuff together...hahaaaa
ate tako yaki together aft dat...reall sweet....yi ren yi ban..gan qing bu san wor....den he sent mi hm le....gave him some vit c n flu medicine..poor ed..he is sick..mus tk cr sia...
tho im rela tired..but turely enjoy myself...sweet all da way...
love is truly in the air......

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