our present to her...i like the whole look....haha

mi,en and mel met up first...went enen hse to get ready n everythin..is reali fun when gals get together n try to mk ourselves look pretty...mking our hair..puttin a lil mkup n all..i had fun doin all dat...we realli feel dat we r like attending wedding dinner like dat...lol..plus all 3 of us r dressed in black....looked realli nice....
2 nu rens busy....

3 of us....

aniwae....faith bdae is at the niagara hotel...n is by the mineral water poolside....hahaaa..realli looked like wedding dinner lei!!!!!! the tables r all set up nicely...den thr is this stage whr thr is tis sofa tingy....just realli looked like wedding..hahaaa...aniwae...we sat together wif cheryl and her bf....the combi was actuali qte fun....i juz kip drinking a lot of drinks...since they served those drinks in nice cups n all...faith looked pretty on her special dae too...n her heels is damn high lor.....hahaaa....so tall....the buffet is nt bad....i like the cheesecake...hahaa....the whole nite was chatting..n a lot of taking pics time....luckily it didnt rain yest n weather was nt too bad......it went on pretty gd.....
looks like wedding setting rite????

i tot the idea of having balloons n spotlight inside is qte cool....

tking pics in toilet.....hahhaaa.....

we looked gd tog rite......????

en acting emo....hahhaa......i like tis pic...

c faith is soo happy....hahahaa

at the end of the party..me n en go find our nan rens....dman interesting...they both met up n had some drinks in the hotel lobby thr...

todae went to singin cls...real tired but cannt dun go le....missed too mani times....todae cls gt some familar faces....pne campus superstar..one project superstar...n the guy who acted in shou zhu....qte interesting....hahaha....todae is nt dat bad....thr is a slight improvement...i mus continue to brush up my skills....
feel dat tis second half of the sem gt a lot of stuff....nt realli wrk..but more of like social stuff..why r they so mani bdaes coming up???? im gg broke...hahaaa...
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