y??cuz he is realli bz at wrk n we r spending realli lil time tog....esp yest..went out but ended up eating dinner wif her mom n gg to temple shortly aft dat.....was realli hopin we could spend more time tog....
2dae as usual...another nua dae....maybe is pms or sth...im feelin qte emo n damn tired....damn er xin....BUT my dae became beta at nite....hahaaa
eddie did sth real sweet to compensate....hahaa...he suddenly appear downatirs at my place...was acuali qte happy dat he came to find me tho it was qte late....was walking tow ards the tables near the bbq pit...n as i walked nearer....saw this bouquet of blue teddy bears and a sorry card on the table....im realli surprised!!!!!!! n realli touched!!!!!! kinda stoned thr for qte a while b4 walkin towrds ed....hahaaa....he even used his hp mp3 to play some music to create ambience...sweetttttt!!!! i super super appreciate ed for wad he did...thanks a lot!!!!!!!! realli felt like some lucky gal in those ou xiang ju...hhaaaa....
super cute......

i love it.....

thanks ed for mking my last bit of the dae great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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