yeaappp..aft almost a wk of muggin...damn sian...met wif ed todae for dinner at central....thr is realli a lot of xmas atmosphere thr sia.....wana njoy xmas sia...

had dinner at this curry udon place...usually japanese curry is accompanied with rice..but this one is sth like jap laksa ba...nt bad...the gravy and the udon is yummy....damn fillin too....

we hang ard for a while den went over to clarke quay..tink is realli a nice place to hang out a the buzz thr....we were bored of walking sooo in the end went to forbidden a realli niceeee place to chill...

pretty lights

the seats

love the pic i toook.....

edwin so cute...haaaa

n me...cannnt c my eyes....

thr is oso this ice palace inside 2...

heard is minus 15 degrees inside..

den slacked thr...played some stupid games.....den start chatting for a while......i tink is nicee to go thr earli nite when thr is lil ppl....i prefer not soo crowded pubs...haaaaa....
me n ed....

me n ed is damn tired aft dat...duno y oso....n we went str hm....
found some realli vintage pics of me...i tink when i was below 10...ed says i looked like a boy....what do you guys think??

im the one wearing yellow all the time....haaaaaa
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