wanted to chill the whole dae ta my place.....we juz chated like duno wad once she rched...her daes in beijing and me updating her my life and all....we start showing pics and everythin...was qte fun....n thanks to the stuff u gt for me in beijing..the bag and wallet..is realli pretty....
aniwae...gt a call frm agency..i finalli gt a temp job for a wk onli la...but is better than nth...went down to town to sign the contract and all....aft dat..me n siewling start walkin ard n we went to pacific plaza to mit her friends...they r qte niceee...nice to chat too....had dinnerr wif siew at pepperlunch first....had this realli interestin tok wif her...abt friends and all....realli qte true...was realli a heart to heart kinda chat....
i love orhcard road lights....they r so pretty n romantic...

went over to mac and continue chattin wif her pals....realli wana watch movie with them de but tooo bad..is abit too late le...hv to go....
met ed for a while to get cupcakes....yeappp..he bought some cupcakes for me...frm his friend la....yuzhen...is qte well done...heeee....thanks!!!! and thanks esp to tk cab n drive me hm.....!!!!!
from cupcake queen....


my leg and back is aching.....arrrrrh...i cant wait to start wrkin nxt mon...cuz dat would mean..more cash coming....lol...!!!!
tmr gg to meiying 21st bdae bash....pri sch gathering again..haaaa..im miting old friends a lot recently....
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