sat.i finalli have a nice long slp till noon.yay!!!
met ed for dinner n movie aft dat..we watched 21...tink is realli a clever movie...all the calculations n all..both of us like it a lot..everyone shd go catch this realli interesting super into movies recently..hmm..duno whether is a gd or bad tingy sia...heee
nice dae spent.
big hand vs small hand.
met up wif simers(sadly without faith..she is sick...) for lunch at sakae...was realli nice catching up...seems like super long nv meet up n chat le...sian..when alll of us r bz watchin..will hv less time to chat le....hopefully nxt time we can wrk tog again...
shopped ard..pei them get prom dress...but too bad didnt realli c anythin nice....
But i still met up wif xuannie n hui for dinner n shopping..heee....was usual crazy super duper happy la..bought my prom dress n hair accesory..
total damage is 29 bucks.yeapp..both of it....n im proud of it..haaaa...
TGIF. i finalli can slp until noon tmr.....i dun cr..juz wana hao hao rest...yay!!!!!!!!!
im realli glad dat things turn out qte gd in the in ppl thr r actuali qte nice n friendly...feel comfortable tho i noe wrk load is coming in super real soon...even met mom's old student thr who is actuali sort of my mentor...
observed a lot in the realli a jap company...things they do..hw the office is arranged and so on...learning qte a bit todae...abt products and all...which is realli goal is to learn as much as possible for this job first ba...aft the contract will slowly think again...
juz suddenly feel dat wrking life will be qte diff too...cant seem to realli mk mistakes...cuz one mistake cld cost sth realli big...nt like sch daes...
went for haircut todae alone...yeaaap..seriously nv realli go for haircut alone b4..but it turn out ok la...
didnt realli expect the short to be soo short...nv tried this kinda short look b4...nt realli used to it..other than is a lot cooler....hahaa..
met up wif ed aft dat..he kip saying i look abit like xuan frm the back.....jialat sia....some ppl alr sae we look alike..nw mayb hairstyle is looking the same..sianzzz...had dinner at eatemup at tpy...cheappp!!!den me,ed n jarrel went ktv...sometime nv realli sing k le..i need more practise!!!!!!!!!
todae gt like a few interviews...was crazi rushing here n thr sia...
last interview was damn hard sia..person is v v fierce...super straightfwd n even ask me weird questions....nxt time if i meet these kinda ppl..muz b even more steady....
paiseh to some friends if pics arent loading properly..try using faster...
tmr will be cutting hair n mitin ed..yays!!!!
like to recommend this song--Ashita e no Sanka (明日への讃歌; Song Sung for Tomorrow) from a lan...a china singer who sings the part when she sings the high part--chorus...sth of the song below...enjoy!!!
had fast food for lunch..the fast food is realli super like the moment i order in anoher station...the food juz arrived immediately..was yummy too!!!
on our way to rides...spotted robin hood.
alice in wonderland restaurant.
n oso the big bk..kinda sad dat this ride is not open.
thr is this snow white ride we took ltr...tot it was be real relaxing n the end it turn out qte scary lor...all the weird voices n ghosts stuff....damn scared inside in the end..haaaa..
took my alll time fav aft dat--merry go round...relaxing n pretty..heee
we oso went to It's a small world..happiest ride you can ever realli relaxing n fun to c....loads of pretty dolls wearing costumes ard the world..a realli happy ride indeed.
if u look of the dolls is holding the onli disney character in the entire ride--pinnochio.
fantassy like.
we r happy aft the ride.
had some pretty snacks too...icecream n the long stick..duno wad it is call...but is yummy...
head on to the castle area n continue to tk loads of pics...i wld love to c the castle at nite wif firewrks n all....
tryin to b walt disney...
pic mk up by smiles of visitors.
n den it was juz shopping time!!!!!
cinderella dresses.
we bought loaads of stuff thr too..heee....
njoyed my entire disney day.
had a nice thai dinner aft dat to end off our dae....
took this pic wif our new friends...was feelin kinda sad dat trip is ending soon...we had a gal chat dat nite.
was super duper excited when we r heading to the wonderful disneyland!!!!is like a dream come true for us...was part of our dream to go disneyland..i guess is almost every one dream since young...heee...
disney resort..wana go thr nxt time.
our cute tix.
aniwae..once we rch thr...could actualli feel happiness in the atosphere n all...u kinda feel younger again...n of cos..the place is realli realli pretttyyy!!!!all the buildings n oso all the sales ppl inside out r all dressed up in the very disney like way...everyone hv their cute hairbands on..n kids wearing princessy costumes...theplace is oso super clean..nt a piece of rubbish.
princess spotted.
view while walking towards our ride.
all shop hoouses.
pretty cafe..wif heart shaped chairs
shoppin places another view.
we went to our first ride of the day--pirates of carribean..dat was way cool!!!everythin is soo if im part of the movie..reali like the ride a lot...
ppl in charge thr dressed accordingly.
our boats.
onli clear pic.
we oso went for the train ride whr we get to c some red indians n oso overview of the whole place...
cute lilo spotted.
ppl waving at us.
jungle cruise was fun too..we had this hilarious guide who tries real hard to speak some eng n chi...n when he dunno hw to comunicate..he sort of juz scream his way n mk everyone laughed...animals made inside r qte real...(funny guide below)
i like the lost city part..too bad cldnt realli tk ani clear pics inside...
fourth ride we took was the 3d movie--honey i shrunk the super super real la..they even had some machines to mk some cool effects...esp the rats part..heee
den we head to toons town...yay!!!
cute ride.
all the mickey and minnie mouse..goofy n everythin...everythin is soo inside the cartoon...n oso thr r real sparrows flying ard..more cartoon...hahaaa..we hang out at chipmunks place...
goofy house...
n then to pretty minnie mouse...the place is realli nice...took tons of pics inside...
wishing well outside minnie place.
mirror mirror on the wall.
fridge wif food.
decided to go mickey house n oso meet mickey too!!!waited for like 1 hr plus to finalli rch the place...but it was fun waiting cuz we kip tking pics..haaa...mickey place is huge...loads of tings to c..
outside mickey place.
wif tour ppl.
oh..n b4 we finalli meet mickey...we watched some short movies at the movie barn...n den we headin to c like all of a sudden..he is so life-like...was realli thrilled to c mickey..