aft like half day wasted on plane rides..finalli set foot on our first sightseeing place-osaka castle...was a nice place but we onli roughly saw the outer part la...i love the weather thr lor...aircon temperature..n everythin seems pretty over thr
little steel birds.

train to bring tourists up.cute...


anoother area of osaka castle

osaka castle..looks like 5 storeys but thr is actuali 8...

me n xuannie...hahaaaa

place whr ppl hv weddings (*tradional)

lunch time!!!

aft which we went over to the sakae museum..was a brief visit la..juz took a look around on hw they mk sakae frm rice...n we sampled a little...feels warm on the throat

one of the process of mkin sakae

den we head off to kobe chinatown...

spot this veri cute coffeehse along the chaintown street..damn pretty lor

aft touring thr for some time...we went to harbourland,a mosaic town along the bay..sth like harbourfront in sg..juz dat is beta....thr r loads of coffeehses,pretty shophouses,pushcarts

outside entrance

nice boat

the shophses

n oso a mini funfair like place for kids....

xuan in front of shop selling dog stuff

for dinner we den head to in downtown osaka..a street full of food...too bad we didnt get hv enough time to go to shinsaibaishi--alot of shopping...

xuan buying ramen wif tix.

aft a super long day...we headback to our first hotel of our trip....the shampoo,conditioner n body soap r all shisedo lor...damn cool!!!!haaaa...we r like super tired..fell str to slp qte soon..
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