on our way to rides...spotted robin hood.

alice in wonderland restaurant.

n oso the big bk..kinda sad dat this ride is not open.

thr is this snow white ride we took ltr...tot it was be real relaxing n all..in the end it turn out qte scary lor...all the weird voices n ghosts stuff....damn scared inside in the end..haaaa..

took my alll time fav aft dat--merry go round...relaxing n pretty..heee

we oso went to It's a small world..happiest ride you can ever tk...hahaa...is realli relaxing n fun to c....loads of pretty dolls wearing costumes ard the world..a realli happy ride indeed.


if u look crfully..one of the dolls is holding the onli disney character in the entire ride--pinnochio.

fantassy like.

we r happy aft the ride.

had some pretty snacks too...icecream n the long stick..duno wad it is call...but is yummy...

tryin to b walt disney...

pic mk up by smiles of visitors.

n den it was juz shopping time!!!!!

cinderella dresses.

we bought loaads of stuff thr too..heee....

njoyed my entire disney day.

had a nice thai dinner aft dat to end off our dae....

took this pic wif our new friends...was feelin kinda sad dat trip is ending soon...we had a gal chat dat nite.

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