pics time!!!

love this candid shot.

den it was dinner time at swesens wif yiheng,mingfen,canice,jianming n kailun....haven seen canice for qte some time...she didnt change much actualli...heeee...usual chit chat n updating session.i love meeting up wif sch friends....is like we met during the times when we r all pure n innocent n nt corrupted n all....

had dessert at ah chiew..love the mango pomelo tingy..real yummy n all....chatted abit on r/s too..heee...

mingfen trying to act yiheng smile.heee

njoyed the meetup again..hopefully next time more ppl can come ya...

went to meet xuan,hui,andy n camel to go mind's cafe aft dat.it was a not too bad experience....heee..love playing board games...oh ya...n thr is a versus game btw me n andy on jenga(using uno stako)..it was fun.

andy VS


tiring night for me but i had loads of fun!!!!

sun.had a nice temple meeting.ots of things discussed.hopefully it will be wad we wan it to be in the end.
(jy in the bottle-photographer:ed)

todae.met enen n lynn for dinner..had crystal jade.im damn stuffed nw le lor....haaaaa....enen mus jiayou kie!!!!!!u mk me wana go travel wif u soon oso....n hope lynn will get the job she wans soon..too bad siewling is nt here wif us...too packed wif wrk...we mus mit up soon!!!!!!
super yums food recommended by enen.

getting fat..i can feel my tummy.urggh.sinful but yummy food below.one of the best chicken rice ever.

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