fri went for our company's tree planting day.glad i went in the end...i felt accomplished tho is a simple action of putting dat heavy baby tree into a hole dat has been alr dug.ohhh...n we collaborated with bukit timah pri sch too...those kids r real cute..haaaaaa..

my grp's tree.

refreshments given.heee

njoyed the session.
sat met up wif hui first den small mitups..had dinner at siam kitchen..the food is not bad....heeeee...went hm n pia up some notes for wrk..need to prepare myself.

usual melmel bz wif her ifone.

sun.met wif simers for sy n weiyang bdae gathering...we went oohchacha...greentea concept n reallli healthy food..feel healthy eating thr..n of cos as usual...we tok abt our jobs..current status of hw we r...n of cos...tking lots of prettyy pics....

the 2 extras.

mel trying to be angry in act cute way.LOl

i love the pic.natural emotions.

the birthday treat-to hv their faces all squashed up.

the girls.


aft dat rush back home for temple meeting...the clips r real funny..i hv fun watching it....aft whcih continue to pia notes again....

had this crazy headache due to fever todae...tot is slight fever..turns out to be 39.2 degrees...dats y i feel like im spinning....thank gd it subsided....thanks to some of the colleagues who asked me to take cr..hmm...shd b gg wrk again tmr..hopefully fever dun come back again ba...
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