aniwaes..backtrack a bit...farmtrail wif company was fun!!!tho it was hard for me to wake up super earli in the morning...haa..we went to goat farm,vege farm n fish farm....part of csr...we r all attached to a family...was a pretty nice experience for me....n real educational..i learn qte a bit during the trip...
nice place.

alica,phyllis n me!

baby goat!

old goat i guess...real big sized.

getting goat's milk.

real cute boy sitting infront of me...v mischievous too..he bites.

my attached family.real nice ppl.

vege farm wif fresh vege mkt.i bought vege thr..heee

end of the dae.buffet lunch for all of us.

last wk had several lunches at restuarants wif colleagues oso...had once at a jap the okonomiyaki...heeee...and oso another lunch at earl swesens for phyllis bdae...heee...i feel damn bloated aft all the lunches sia....gettin fat le!!!!
food!!!!!my fav!!!

earl swesens.the ladies.

my grilled chicken spag

ohh...i went for kickboxing too last wk at planet fitness.thanks to krislyn!! real fun sia!!!!tho im qte bad at coordinating my legs n hands at the same time...krislyn is damn gd at dat lor...heee...but realli feel dat kickboxing is a sport dat can let u vent all ur frustrations out...a very gd way to release stress...i love it!!!!!had a nice gal chatting session wif krislyn aft dat...heeee....
fri aft wrk went for a marcom event at pageone...a famous photographer who uses our printer to print out those high quality pictures....interesting session for those pics...i tink i wun be able to as patient as the photographer..wait for hrs before tking a snap of the scenery...

meiling looking at pic.

timothy huang-the photographer.

went for a short shopping spree wif krislyn aft dat..tis mth is realli a high expenditure mth sia....arrrrrh!!!!!but i still crave to shop...heeee..
sat. went janice chalet to try out our camp games..thank god most of them wrked...realli hope dat everyone will hv fun playing the janice bdae too!!!so had a small celebration wif her...happy bdae girlie!

sun.finalli singing cls...i have been missing for a mth le....thr is finalli a stero system wif mic!!!!can go search for minus one le sia....heee...had fun...yanxin,debra n xiuying..we realli nid a nice lunchout or sth..been some time we catch up....super thanks to xiuying for the souviners frm tw...glad u njoy ur trip...

went for kbox session wif sammie aft dat...heee..ppl nw tryign all high level songs le sia...we sang until we r out of energy

den went to cpy 21st at aloha...i njoy talkiung to xuan friends...real nice ppl....we juz sat thr for the entire nite toking,gossipin n all...

the onli 2 guys.sam n wenhao.

HAPPY 21ST TO CPY!!!!!!!!

camp is approaching...need to faster finish up stuff le.....arrrh!
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