at wrk. celebrated meiling bdae.sort of a surprise glad dat our dept r having all this small surprises n gd for bonding dat dae juz nice the whole company netwrk was somewad down...we were feelin abit more relaxed n all..hee...

2dae had another farewell lunch wif kristin--another dept...she n me both love the same tw show..heee...too bad when i gt to noe her beta she left the company le...dian xiao er food is nicee....ate a lot todae...slowly gettin fat..heeee

date back abit more to xuannie bdae. was a bz dae for me...rite aft n ed chiong down to bon bon tea tog wif some of xuannie friends to deco the vip room...bon bon tea was nice enough to let us reserve the place free of charge...the place is oso super pretty....i will go down one dae again...nice tea chatting place.. was a nice preparation..all her friends came n all helped in the deco...xuannie shd be happy to hv such nicee friends...we waited n all n finalli the surprise. she came alone.den bon bon tea ppl gave a rose b4 they led her in to the vip place...n all of us waiting inside the rm..wif the yummy cake..n the happy birthday music starts...heeee...

welcomin her.

this cake rocks!!!!


can c xuannie was surprised in a way ba...hee..den the dinner starts...all the yummy food came...oh..n i brought some old foto albums to let everyone c xuannie old look..hheeee..
xuannie sch friends.


hui n her boy.

xuannie n her sec sch friend

everyone bz.

feediong jelly time

me n sammie wif edwin at the back.

xuan needs to get bf soon.


random pic.

me n ed.

unwrapping pressies!

sam gave xuannie this huge bear.jealous sia.

our card to xuannie. n of course 2o other things.

everyone njoyed dat dae. hui n me plus all her friends did a not too bad job for this surprise party...heee...glad she njoyed her 21st.

last wkend was dyb very sure aft this camp dypers r gg to be a lot more bonded than ever...we shd organize more of these camps...everyone was feelin high n njoyed the camp. tho we r like damn tired but we njoyed every part of it too....we need to mit up soon..heee..miss everyone!!!!!
ed wif our handmade nerdy specs.

xuannie new sis.

some of the dybers.

sth random.due to camp...n bad sleepin havin backache again...haaaa....hopefully will be beta soon.
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