todae is another busy dae for loving my wkends sia...heeeeeemet edwin at vivocity to slack ard...we went to toys'r'us to relive our childhood memories....arrrrh...i realli wana be a kid again...pure n innocent...n fascinated by small lil tings...haha...i realli had fun lookin at toys and children....we played wif the machines oso....ed gt 2 hp keychains for me...hehee....saw this the fashion boutique version...
we went to the pet safari too....!!!tho i dun dare to touch animals n all..but lookin at them juz mks me feeel dat they r reallli sooo cute!!!!!!!! n pets nw r realli fortunate sia...thr is a hairdresser cutting their 'hair' and ppl grooming them...esp cny is comin...haha..juz like humans...

like our lil date todae....
relaxing n sweeet...!!!!
den it was followed by tanya concert....thanks to xuannie friends--adeline....we( yanxin,xiuying,hui,xuannie n me) got inside dragonfly much faster..hheeee..luckily we got some nice seats..we got free drinks too!!!!!

3 of us.....

n me hui n xuannie....forgot to tk pics wif adeline....
the concert was GREAT!!!her vocals is realli gd....i love her zhuan ying..n esp when she sang the song kong bai the like when she is singing..everyone juz kept quiet n realli litened to her like we gt absorb into her singing n world...njoyed the unplugged too!!!she is a singer dat is super talented!!!! i tink this mini concert is a great eye opener for me...i oso muz jiayou in my singing too!!!!
unplugged rocks!!!!

we r the drangonfly rangers!!!!!!

another pic tken frm yest....the newly made friends....
the 5 of us had dinner at white dog cafe aft dat...the pasta is nt too bad..shall go try pastacafe nxt time....recommended by yanxin...5 of us realli siao diao...had fun chattin n tokin bout some past unpleasant wrk experiences....realli glad to c dat everyone gel pasta....yum!~
had a wonderful dae todae..we shd go for another outing soooon....