i had real fun for the last bit of 2007...hope everyone njoyed their countdown or new yr dae...
went out wif en to get siewling in the morning...we slacked ard n updated news abt each other....den we met siewling at tpy...hahaaa...had a realli long galtok...ya..n tokin a lot bout our old daes...the eyecandies and crushes we had....the wrkload n the entire cls..the seniors...mk me feel like gg back to the old times again....njoyed myself...

aft dat head back to enen hse for dinner...mi n en hv been friends for like close to 9 yrs....n this is m,y firs time eatin dinner wif her parents at her place...sooo weird...but the dinner is realli yummy...den we started gettin ready for the night hangout wif a bunch of ppl dat i dun realli noe well...hahaa..xuan n her poly friends..en's friends n the friends's friends...n en cousin n her friends...hw weird is dat la...hahaaaa...
aniwae...met wif xuan friends first n we went down to clarke quay....everyone is like partying n having fun...n thr is like a lot of ppl...hahaaaaa...went down wif mos wif enen to find her firend...i seriously feel dat i will nv ever go clubbin...sorta saw the area...n i realli dun like it...so noisy..a lot of ppl n all...nt my cup of tea...all the pubs r all packed oso....so in the end...xuan friends n us went to coffeeclub..hahaaaaa...
me,en and cheryl head down to the main dancing floor....too bad xuan they all nv come...they prefer chilling ard....but it was a blast..one of the best experiences i ever had....tho thr were a lot of ppl smokin n all la...hhheee..we squeezed thru the crowd and b4 the couting down starts..like 5 mins b4...the 2 hosts like started grabbing ppl to go up the stage to dance ard n all....n den it was the big countdown...omg!!!the feelin of having dso manii ppl countdown wif u is super fun la.....n then everyone went harvoc...we were like jumpin ard...doin the train tingy wif hell loads of ppl....n thr was even this angmoh couple who started ballrm dancing wif fast music....

a huge dancefloor....

3 of us...sweating...hahaa

we head back to coffeeclun den it was chilling time for us..slacking ard..toking..n thr were like loads of drama gg ard us...is lk watching reality shows...suddenly thr were ppl fainting...or guys having their hands all over girls...ppl gettin drunk walkin ard...ambulance cam...police walkin ard...i was like watchin the surroundings more lor..heee..

rch hm at ard 3am...
i shall start penning down my resolutions for this yr..the first dae of new yr....

1. i wana get a gd job once i graduate....
2. be more healthy...try to cure my sinus prob
3. braces off this yr which means more changes in my appearance
4. better to my parents..try not to lose my temper too much
5. a better and closer relationship wif ed....
6. closer ties wif xuannie,hui and all friends!!!
7. more singing opportunies..stop a lot this yr
dat shd be abt it for nw....2007 was a wonderful yr...i did a lot of amazing things...organize my first ever bdae bash for my 21st...went over to taipei alone wif xuannie..dat was my biggest breakthru....some serious meltdown and talk wif cousins...a lot of gatherings n meeting of old pals--mus continue doin dat...and also finally gg out till wee hrs at the last of 2007....
this yr will be a tough yr for me..thr will be a lot of big changes in my life...esp when i go out to wrk...so hopefully i can brave it thru n continue to maintain gd r/s wif family,ed,all my dear friends.....jiayou le!!!!
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