met melmel n sy todae fora small get together...yeap..b4 melmel leaves tmr back to ub...we went sakae n ordered a few sushi and side dishes...den it was gal chatting again...had a lot of fun toking bout theme parks and haunted hses...hhheeeee...aft our tea time...3 of us juz hang ard n slack..i guess gg to overseas to study is a nice experience ba..but like wad sy saes...i tink im still more of the home-kind of person...i can't bear to leave for sooo long without my family and all....heheee...

yi shu pic....hehheee

melmel must continue to jiayou when u go back thr wor..
bon voyage girlie!!!!!!!!!!! we will misssss u loads....!!

aft sending melly to train n sy hang ard..yeaapp...wad can 2 girls do tog? SHOP!!hahaaa...we went a few is still gg on..i tink is a lot more fun gg with ur friends..n then searchin for sth dat suits u in those piles of clothes ba....but i guess we shd go earlier when the sale juz started cuz all the sizes r soo the end both of us save our wallets....haha...didnt bought anythin...appauds for ourselves..hahaaa...
packed myself with lots of outings for the entire wk..i wana play to the fullest b4 sch starts...heeee
pic tken some time ago

off to watch iswak 2..wooo!!
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