aniwae...luckily hui came over n stay...yay!!! we went swimming tho the weather is qte cold...we r like shivering but still heck cr a lot n looked at our old pics...i realli feel that all of us change a lot...our appearance glad dat i put on braces cuz i realli feel that my old set of teeth is damn ugly...hahaaa...

2dae met up wif melmel...b4 she heads back to ub in america to miss her sia....todae is fully gal tok realli interestin hear her tok bout her life thr n everythin else...yeaapp..n laughed our heads off when toking bout real funny myself....we mus do dat more often when u come back sia...hahaaaa....

met wf ed aft dat..dinner wif his friends was a lil weird but hai hao....den chit chat session while walkin hm...heee...i wan mit him more!!!!!! spend as much time as possible when im free...heheeee...
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