it was a nice family get tog..n mom realli can become a cook le la..she whipped up like qte a number of restuarant....everyone is busily catchin up..mkinf fun of each other n everythin while nice n cosy...

she realli looks old le sia....

i tink popo is close to tears when we sang happy birthday song.....hheeee.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPO!!!!!!n we LOVE u!!!!
the 4 of us....

n the rest of the family...too bad daddy nt back frm sg yet...

aft the celebration...shopped ard wif hui...haaa...bought another top...i realli hv more than enuff clothes for cny le...n i realli hope it comes soon...hols soon oso....
at nite went to xuannie's friends bbq..i noe all her friends was at one of her friends' hse....tho im nt realli in her cls..but had fun chattin wif her clsmates---some of them is the same age as me so we had a lot of topics to chat abt...i realli like those bbq sessions at the backyard in ur hse....nt at those chalets or more homey n everyone juz gathers tog to cook n tok....
one side chatting..other side cooking...

busy busy...!!!!

loook at the food!!!!!

the dog dat xuannie friend owns...

njoy my dae..n im stuffed!!!!!
me n amanda...younger than me by a dae!!!!

n i took this pic!!!!!

todae was reali tired to go to laoshi cls....feel qte guilty aft dat la...shall go nxt wk...n yanxin...GET WELL SOON KAYS???? we mus go tog...heee
went out late afternnon to chinatown to met ed....everywhr is packed over thr...the pasam malams n all the shops...a lot of shouting n nicee to go thr to get the cny atmosphere...
aft dinner went to sing like singing a juz kip singing n singing.....had fun tis time wif ed..tho he nv realli sing...but he will comment a lot...n oso recommends some songs for me to listen...heee...
is a nice n swit dae spent....thanks ed!!!!!
i nid to lose some weight le..tummy showing....shall go swim tmr aft muggin....!!!!!
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