met up wif hui n xuannie at town for hui 20th celebration..hui decided to keep it a real simple affair this time..
aniwaes.i shall first uncover the making process of stoodude.

stuffing him wif wool.

cleaning him by brushing his fur.

naked stoodude.

xuannie tinking of a gd name.

and the end product.

we had dinner at some malay stall in n real yummy.nxt time shall go thr again...den we head on to dfs to slack n oso for hui to open her presents...heee..

we gave her stoodude--build a super cute lors..haaa...a hp accesory n oso a lip gloss n oso wallet..we even made cousin vouchers ourselves...heee...
looking in n opening pressies time!

stoodude birth cert.

our handmade vouchers.

all of us wif stoodude.heeeee.

hope she love the presents....she better keep stoodude jr well..or else...heee..
slacked for a real long time den went walking ard n end up at our usual hangout--tcc...i tink we r crazy eaters lor..shared a spaggatti,usual wedges n tea...damn stuffed lor...

aft food n chill session..went ard to tk more nice pics...haven done dat for a real long time le sia...

had loads of fun..hope hui njooyed her 20th...:)

sun was spring cleaning session..cleared lots of stuff n bought new drawers n all for our rm...
i hope cny comes lookin fwd to it..esp the part dat thr is a long wkend n i get to rest...
stay positive girl
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