tis last few daes +wkend i hv been shopping non stop for cny.damn broke nw le.

backtrack abit.daddy was super nicee on wed...he bought us real yummy supper!!!!!damn long get to eat supper le....thank you papa!!!!!

thurs finalli had dinner wif yuehwa n xuannie at ashtons.is real nice +portion is big+cheap!!!!!nw i understand y thr is always long queue le...rite aft dat..is crazy shopping....!!!!

fri lunch met wif ed for a short while.finalli gt to c him..miss him sia...plus he is gg over to hk for a few daes...hopefully he is doin well at hk..wana mit him more soon...
for dinner met up wif werid combi..enen n sining n some other ub biz ppl dat i dun realli noe...but it turn out qte fun...had dinner at waraku n both of us juz listen to them tok abt real chim topics...we seem so dumbo infront of them la....was fun!!!enen lets hope finnali tis yr we can go visitin to each other place sia for cny..LOL...

out pop xuannie suddenly.

sat another usual shopping dae wif hui n xuannie.
sun. finalli go singing cls...haven seen yanxin n xiuying for damn long le..we need a serious meetout soon!!!!!!!!juz went to cut hair at kr plus...hmmm ex but stiill nt bad la...my hair is damn short nw...
juz had a mini clelebration for popo 91st bdae!!!!!!wif all the relatives n nice foood..more pics up soooon!!!
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