backtrack a lil to popo 91st bdae.finalli big get realli nan de to c most of the family members came for popo bdae...had a nice usual prepared by mama n maid...
heart tis random pic.

popo wif our present.

n den whole family get ard the big table n sang happy bdae songs...popo is sooo happy lor..can c frm her eyes..super cute!!!

the kids.

the adults.notice the diff in pose.we look more fun...haha

had grad photoshoot on wed.heee..we postponed for a reali long time le lor...i graduated last yr july officially n aft so mani mths den tk pretty hard to hv everyone free on one dae sia...we had makeup done..n popo oso wears a bit of mkup!!!!hheeeee..papa looks like principal n mama looks like chinese teacher as usual..haaa
papa n mama on set.

me n xuannie in dressing rm.
the feelin is super weird when i wore the grad gown seems like im still near to sch n all...mks me start missing all the uni ppl n all the fun times we had at sch...
aniwaes..fotoshoot is realli tiring..all of us hv to keep v v still for a nice pic to b tken..LOL..had a nice dinner at some veg restaurant aft dat...ate to my heart's content.
(i look liek im modelling for watch..heee)

thurs ed finalli met up wif me for lunch..he finalli came back frm HK saftely..was actuali qte worried n all...thank god he came back le.. :) had yummy lunch at seah im n den slacked ard...mks me feel a lot refreshed aft the meetup...

todae met wif ed again to go chinatown..i love all the buzz n noise n everythin abt we went to experience it again tis yr..had chicken rice for dinnner..

lots of ppl everywhr.

i love the long walks home...hopefully we can hv more mitups soon.

tmr miting hui for a 20th bdae celebration!!!
HAPPY 20TH TO YOU GIRLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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