aniwaes backtrack abit.went to kenneth wedding on at peony restuarant at keppel a realli pretty placeee. n the restuarant is v chinese kind..tink is real nice tooo...

his bride is pretty..i love the long white gown..tink any woman wears dat..they will juz look ravishing ba..hee..

the food was super duper yummy.i ate tons of food..n our table is so funny...we seems hungry..haaa..all of us ate qte abit..real full..

me n kris.

mking the groom drink!!heee..

i njoyed the nite...n congrats to kenneth!!!!!

sun went for 2nd audition...haa..didnt get thru but i learnt a lot n mk some new friends..some of the contestants can realli sing sia...damn pro!!!!!i need to wrk more on my control of voice n my stage pressence ba...jiayou to myself!!!!
2dae felt real tired at wrk...met up wif some of the dybers for a dinner
gathering...yeapp..yeowchong is gg into army real soon....had dinner at roma deli...we r like qte hungry lor...haaa..gobbling up our food n chatting lots...


oh...n hope one of our fellow dyb dat hasnt come for qte some time can recover n be healthy soooon!!!we will pray for u!!!!
we head on to a tian ping shop aft dat...nice desserts thr..yummylicious!!!love hanging out wif all of them...too bad some of the dybers r nt free..miss all of them.


love the outing todae...n yeowchong..all the best to u in army!!!!!

our nxt outing will b cny!!!!!!grp visiting!!
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