Friday, August 04, 2006


todae is juz like any other dae....yeap..muggin..todae mug qte a lot...touch all subs..inter..mass n cse..abit of everythin least im on schedule..i guess...hehe... evening..met up wif xuannie n ed for dinner...ya..waited for xuannie for qte mi n ed juz sat thr n tok..sometimes i like ti when we juz do nth n juz walk simple bliss...ya..n i noe im a veri fortunate gal....yeap...shant complain too much de...
aniwae..xuan came den we ate dinner..had chicken rice..ed n xuan ate western..oso gt eat the dim sum..hehe..yummy yummy..n damn fillin sia...

ed had to rush to wrk le...den mi n xuan go 7elevn n buy icecream...

came hm watched tv..felt the endin is qte crappy...mugged....n practised my song a lot a lot of times...yeap..finalli sort of gt it le...yeap..hope tml will goes well ba....

thr r times when i feel dat im lousy at the stuff dat im doin kinda disheartenin tho...i guess i need hell loads of trainin..intense...i wana b good..cuz sometimes i realli do feel dat other than tis talent..i gt nth else since i onli gt tis..i shall mk it the best....the best i could....tink will wrk extra harder for my singin le....realli....jiayou le...!

tml gt ob..prob shd b muggin first...dinner will b wif ob pals oso...yeap....fightin!

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